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USF Presents Outstanding Alumni Award to CEO of Davis Industrial

A Paralympic silver medalist. An entrepreneur of an award-winning industrial services company. And a two-time state representative. These are some of the outstanding alumni from the University of South Florida.



Stephenie Davis Honored with the Outstanding Alumni Award for her work in Business and PhilanthropyUSF awarded the 10 honorees for 2017 at an event on May 19. The award recognizes graduates who are making an impact in their careers and communities.  Selections are based on success in chosen careers and commitment to USF.


Among the top 10 was CEO and President of Davis Industrial, Stephenie Davis.


“I’ve worked hard to get where I am today,” said Davis. “Davis Industrial is a success in large part due to the tremendous team we have working for us. Company culture is really important to me as is giving back to the community. I am grateful for the support I have been given.” The 10 recipients were also part of a panel discussion.
