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Davis Industrial Nominated for Small Business of the Year

For the second year in a row, the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce has named Davis Industrial a finalist for small business of the year.



Each year, The Greater Tampa of Commerce recognizes small businesses based on the number of employees. Davis is one of five selected for the 21 to 50 employee range.


The award highlights the impact of small business on the community. Companies are evaluated on operational management, community involvement and ethical business practices.


Davis Industrial has received an excellent safety record. It’s ranked one of the fastest growing companies in Tampa Bay. In May, Davis Industrial helped raise $50,000 for the American Cancer Society at a Kentucky Derby themed event.


“It’s an exciting time for us as we continue to grow,” said President and CEO Stephenie Davis. “Everyone works hard and contributes to the team.”


The company has recently expanded operations into the Miami region.

The winners will be announced at an awards event September 8.